Tag Archives: glutened

Why I Keep A Food Diary

When I was first diagnosed with celiac disease I decided to start a food diary. I was brand new to eating gluten free and learning where gluten could hide so I wanted to ensure I was keeping on track. If I felt particularly bad or especially good I wanted to know why. Last year when
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How To Prevent Cross Contamination When Travelling

Any time I’m glutened it’s down to cross contamination. Unfortunately gluten hides everywhere and as celiacs we have to be ever vigilant  in order to stay safe and healthy. Cross contamination when travelling is more likely than when you’re at home. Without your normal routine and without a gluten free kitchen, of course it’s going
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GLUTENED! How long before you feel better?

  No matter how hard we try, we all find ourselves accidentally glutened every now and again. The symptoms are different for each of us, as are what we do to make ourselves feel better as fast as possible. My question here is, when you are accidentally contaminated by gluten how long does it normally
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How To Cope With Being Glutened

As celiacs we are all (hopefully!) on a strict gluten free diet but even when we are as careful as we can be sometimes we make mistakes. Not all celiacs feel the same way when they are accidentally glutened. Some feel like they’re dying, others basically just like crap and some, nothing at all. Whether
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