Delicious lentil chips!
These baked lentil chips from Mediterranean Snack Foods are awesome!! They are made from lentils, adzuki and garbanzo beans and they are some of the most delicious chips I’ve ever had…the red pepper ones in particular. I had never come across them before so I was very excited when a few bags came in the mail for me to try. The red pepper and parmesan garlic flavours are my favourites. It’s really difficult to stop eating them once the bag is opened. These are the kind of chips that would work well dipped in guacamole, hummus or salsa but personally I like eating them straight from the bag as I don’t lose any of their delicious flavour that way. In saying that, yesterday I did chop up some very tasty vine tomatoes and used them to top the parmesan and garlic chips.
They have six flavours of lentil chips and three flavours of lentil crackers. All of these are made from naturally gluten free ingredients in a gluten free plant so celiacs don’t need to worry about cross contamination issues. Some of their other products are made in a facility which also processes wheat but I’m sticking with the lentil chips and crackers which are crispy and super tasty and safe for celiacs. Yay for gluten free deliciousness!

Tasty tomato snack