The feedback for the My Gluten Free Town series has been so fantastic that I’m continuing the series past the original 30 days. Tell me about YOUR gluten-free town! 😀
Check out the whole “My Gluten Free Town” series here as it is published!
Pretty soon I will be turning 30. I know, I can’t believe it either. 😉
So, here’s the plan. Since I’m turning 30 I wanted to ask the gluten free community for a birthday gift. Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to buy me a huge gluten free cake dripping with butter icing and jam and ship it out to me in California, although anyone who wants to please go right ahead. 😉 I’m asking you to tell me about your gluten free town.
How to get involved.
Following my 30th birthday the plan is to publish 30 of your posts, posts about your gluten-free town! I want you to tell me where you live and why the gluten free community should visit your gluten free town. What fantastic gluten free goodies can gluten free folks expect to find if they visit your town?
When I say town it can be your home-town or the town you live in now. I should also clarify that when I say town this means the village, town or city in which you live (or lived) no matter how big or small.
If you’re interested in being part of the ‘My Gluten Free Town’ series, please answer the questions below! If I get duplicates (2 people from the same town) I’ll publish both of these on the same day as I want to feature 30 different towns during the 30 days of the series.
The questions.
[contact-form-7 id=”6714″ title=”My Gluten Free Town”]
My 30th birthday is January 18th, 2013. I will start posting your submissions for ‘My Gluten Free Town’ on January 28th. If I get more than 30, even better! Keep them coming..
Fill our the form above and be part of the ‘My Gluten Free Town’ series on Gluten Free Traveller!! Questions? Email me.  🙂
Thank you!