Avocado with chilli powder

Tasty and healthy
There are lots of delicious gluten free breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes out there but how about when you fancy a wee snack? Whether at home or travelling we all like to nibble. These are a few of my favourite gluten free snacks which are great at any time of the day. They are also things which you can find to eat almost anywhere in the world.
Natural yoghurt with blueberries. I love yoghurt, especially the natural stuff because then I can add whatever flavour I want to it. I think yoghurt tastes best once it’s been open for a couple of days. It has a thicker, creamier consistency at this point and it tastes great with all sorts of toppings. Blueberries, raspberries or blackberries are probably my favourite. Sometimes I add a spoonful of peanut butter too.
Avocado with chilli powder. Avocados have to be one of the best vegetables out there. They are filled with lots of great vitamins and nutrients and they work great as a spread (a healthier alternative to butter), in salad, as an accompaniment to almost any meal and even on it’s own as a snack. If I’m nibbling an avocado I almost always shake a little chilli powder on first.
Rice or corn cakes with peanut butter. I love peanut butter, especially brands that are simply 100% peanuts with no added nonsense. I eat it on it’s own straight from the jar but sometimes when I start eating it this way it’s hard to stop, it’s so tasty and addictive! I also like to spread it on plain rice or corn cakes as a healthy, energy filled snack.
Edamame. I buy frozen edamame and just boil it in some water when I want to eat it. It’s great to eat on it’s own or with a little salt.
Cereal. As you know I’m a huge cereal fan so I think gluten free cereal is a great snack for any time of the day. Envirokids Peanut Butter Puffs or Gorilla Munch are probably my favourites when I’m in the mood for something sweet. Cinnamon or Honey Nut Chex are also great if you’re in the US or Canada or Dove’s Choco Stars if you’re in the UK.
Dried fruit and nuts. A handful of dried fruit and nuts is a great gluten free snack if you’re feeling a bit peckish between meals. Sometimes these types of products are made on shared equipment with wheat, etc, so double check that the brand you’re buying is safe.
Boiled egg. Whether you’re at home or off gluten free travelling, boiled eggs are a great, simple gluten free snack which you can eat anytime, anywhere.
Asparagus with olive oil. Cook some asparagus and drizzle it in a little olive oil for a delicious, healthy snack.
Fruit. Something which can be found anywhere in the world and is naturally gluten free. Fruits such as bananas, apples, pears, peaches, grapes and berries are great if you’re on the move and others like melon, pineapple, mango and kiwi fruit are better suited to when you are a little more stationery.
Gluten free bars. There are a whole bunch of gluten free bars out there to choose from. Protein bars, breakfast bars, energy bars, fruit and nut bars, seed bars. I carry a couple of bars with me wherever I go so I’m never without a quick bite of energy.
What are your favourite gluten free snacks? I’m always looking for new ideas! Share your favourites in the comments below…