Last weekend I went with some friends to listen to classical music and watch some amazing fireworks. The event was Symphony Blast in Burlington, Iowa and it was lots of fun. We lay in a grassy park listening and watching. I’ve never been so close to a fireworks display before and it was awesome.

Morgan's delicious Gluten Free tamales
Our friend Morgan prepared some special gluten free tamales and guacamole for the evening’s dinner. Morgan is an organic farmer in Mount Pleasant. As well as growing a great variety of delicious tasting organic veggies in her gardens (which make great additions to many of the gluten free dishes I make), she also makes various baked goods such as breads and muffins, which I’ve heard are great despite being highly glutenous! She wanted to try her hand at something gluten free for our symphonic, fireworks picnic and decided to make tamales. Tamales are traditionally made with corn flour anyway so nothing had to be substituted here in order to make them specially gluten free. She prepared her own stock as she didn’t want to risk possible glutenation from store bought varieties and checked any other ingredients she used to ensure everything was 100% gluten free. Some of the tamales were filled with black beans and some with pork…they were amazing, as was the home made guacamole, and they went perfectly with the beautiful, multi coloured and extremely loud fireworks.
I’ll have to get Morgan’s tamale recipe to make these again myself…..mmmmm!