Last weekend John made me gluten free pancakes. I like pancakes but they are not something I find myself eating very often. This is probably because pancakes tend to be more of a breakfast food and being a cereal monster myself, this doesn’t leave much room for what could perhaps result in more interesting breakfast options. The reason for Sunday’s pancake breakfast is a slightly spooky one. On moving into our new apartment in Philadelphia, the shelves were empty but for a couple of miscellaneous things. One of these things was pancake mix, but not just any pancake mix…Gluten free pancake mix! What are the odds!?!

Perfect pancake sized

Fantastic pancake mix
These were my first gluten free pancakes and they were delicious! My non gluten free house mates also really enjoyed them and had no idea they were gluten free. At some point I may try making them from scratch but with mix like this, I’m in no hurry…
Ingredients (makes 16 small pancakes):
- King Arthur Flour’s Gluten Free pancake mix (or another just as awesome brand if you cannot find this one!)
- 2 eggs
- 6 tablespoons of butter
- 2 cups of milk
- pear
- dulce de leche or nutella
Side note: I feel head over heels in love with dulce de leche in Argentina as it is everywhere and it almost always carries the gluten free symbol. Here you will find dulce de leche at breakfast to eat with bread, as an ice cream flavour, in tablet form, inside your chocolate bar, as a milkshake flavour and even served with cheese. It’s basically a caramel spread but I like to think of it as something far more exotic and unknown. It tastes splendid on pancakes but Nutella is just as delicious and gluten free if you can’t find any of this mysterious dulce de leche.
How to make it:
- Add eggs, butter and milk to pancake mix and stir until good consistency
- Drop batter into pan/griddle and fry until it looks pancakey
- Spread a little dulce de leche or nutella onto your warm pancakes
- Slice a pear into small chunks and sprinkle onto pancakes to finish
- Serve and enjoy!

With dulce de leche & pear. Delicious!

The perfect gf pancake