Frulees dietetica

Desserts in Muscetta dietetica
I spent 4 days in the seaside city of Mar Del Plata in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and I was pleased with the few places I found that cater for coeliacs. I found two restaurants with gluten free options and whilst I didn’t eat at either of them, as they weren’t within my backpacking budget, both looked good. Casimiro (on Avellaneda 1254) has gluten free items clearly labelled on their menu and Parilla la Angostura (on Urquiza 10) is a Parilla which caters for coeliacs.
There are also a couple of really good dieteticas in the centre of town with a wide variety of gluten free products. Muscetta (on Rivadavia 2668) is fantastic! They have lots of both fresh and frozen gluten free products. Frozen products include empanadas, pizza, bread, pasta, sandwiches and tortas while fresh goods include empanadas, tortas and lots of amazing desserts. I bought a packet of Alfajores filled with dulce de leche and a pudding made of coconut and dulce de leche…both sooooo delicious! Their Empanadas de Carne were pretty yummy too. Frulees (on Jujuy 1631) is another good dietetica with similar frozen goods as well as cookies, cakes, pasta and sweets. They also have a couple of bags of gluten free cereal which was exciting for me as I hadn’t eaten cereal in almost 3 months. If you are out and about in Mar Del Plata and looking for some ice cream, Tio Andino on the popular street of Güemes sells a variety of gluten free flavours, clearly labelled.

Parilla la Angostura

Gluten Free Ice Cream
Silvia Basualdo Róvere
Nov 21st, 2011I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina and belong to a coeliac foro. We have a list of restaurants,bar, hotels and store where you can find coeliac products.
If someone is visiting Argentina, tell that contact me and can help them. Regards, Silvia