Lots of cookies!

El Almacen del celiaco
Rosario has one fantastic gluten free store that no coeliac travelling to this great city should miss! El Almacen del celiaco (on Salta 2449) Â is a 100% gluten free store which stocks everything a coeliac living in or travelling to Rosario could want.
What I found especially great about this store was that they sell a mix of specially prepared gluten free frozen goods such as empanadas,  pizzas and bread, gluten free products labelled with the sin TACC symbol such as cookies, rice cakes and cereal bars and gluten free products  known to be gluten free, but not labelled as so, such as various chocolates, candies, meats and cheese. Doz Corazon (a chocolate treat filled with dulce de leche) is one of these things that I had spotted in various kiosks throughout the country but without gluten free labelling never knew that it was safe for me. They are delicious!

A little bit of everything..

Lots of Alfajores
We spent 5 nights in Rosario enjoying this fantastic city with a bit of a Buenos Aires feel but without the busy and crazy atmosphere of a city of 13 million. However, I didn’t find out about this place until our last day which meant that I didn’t have time to try out most of their amazing looking products. I couldn’t leave such a great store completely empty handed of course so I bought a few sweet treats that I hadn’t tried before which I enjoyed on the short bus trip back to Buenos Aires.
ATP in Rosario
May 19th, 2012I thought you would like to know that El Almacen del Celiaco has moved to Salta 2949. It is now a mini market with extra space providing more safe products to keep a Gluten Free diet. The staff is friendly too!