Raspberry Roll

Chocolate Chip Cookies
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by Shabtai Gourmet to ask if I wanted to sample a few of their gluten free products. They told me that all of their products are gluten free and there is no threat of cross contamination. I was of course very excited to try their products and eagerly awaited their arrival..
A few days later a large box arrived containing four different desserts. Raspberry Roll, Swiss Chocolate Roll, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Florentine Lace Cookies. It was quite the sweet spread 🙂
These cakes were a little too much to devour all by myself (no matter how much I wanted to) so I shared with my very grateful roomies. John and the three other guys I’m living with here in Philly for the month of February are not celiac and frequently eat glutenous foods so I thought it would be interesting to test my gluten free cakes and cookies on them too. As well as being gluten free the products I got were also dairy, peanut, soy, casein, lactose and corn free.
The Raspberry Roll is thin layers of sponge and jam sprinkled with coconut. It didn’t fall apart on me the way many gluten free cakes do. It tasted like a yummy, coconutty birthday cake and I’m a big fan of coconut so I was a big fan of this.
The Swiss Chocolate Roll smelled amazing. Â So how did it taste? Delicious! Most of the chocolate coating fell off when I cut the roll into slices (how gluten free of it!) but despite this it was very yummy. All of my roomies were very happy that I shared this with them, especially my lactose free room mate who could enjoy it without any side effects 🙂
The Chocolate Chip Cookies were yummy. I’ve never been the hugest cookie fan so I didn’t eat many of them in pre-celiac days nevermind now but these ones were pretty good. They were a little bit crumbly but they had a good taste to them and I enjoyed nibbling them.
I think my gluten loving room-mates were bigger fans of the Florentine Lace Cookies than I was. When I first saw these I thought they looked super tasty but after tasting them, I thought they were pretty average. They definitely weren’t bad, it’s that I couldn’t pin point any specific flavours in this cookie. A couple of my roomies onto other hand, really enjoyed them.

Chocolate roll

Florentine Lace Cookies