Argentina is famous for it’s Parilla (BBQ) and a trip to Buenos Aires wouldn’t be complete without a trip to a Tenedor Libre. In Spanish this translates to free fork and basically means all you can eat. Siga La Vaca is an all you can eat parilla with a few different locations throughout Buenos Aires but their largest and probably most popular location is at Puerto Madero. You pay a set price (which ranges from 69 to 89 pesos depending on when you go). This gives you unlimited access to their fresh salad and sides bar which has a lot of variety, a bottle of vino, unlimited access to their parilla and a choice of desert from their menu.
It was our last week in Buenos Aires and Argentina and the plan was to eat as much Argentine beef as we could. Siga La Vaca was the perfect choice for us to accomplish this goal! I don’t think I’ve ever eaten more meat than I did that night and I probably never should again but it was fantastic! When you go up to the Parilla there are various different meats cooking on the grill and a couple of guys waiting to serve you whatever you want to try. There is a menu telling you what the different cuts of meats are but if you are like me and not sure what you want then you can just ask to try whatever cuts looks good. They only cook meat on the parilla so no need to worry about contamination from anything such as bread and the salad bar consists of fresh vegetables each with their own serving fork. At one of the sides bars there are a variety of cold pasta dishes but I kept away from these and instead opted for plain cooked rice with went perfectly with my meat and salad.

Creamy flan

The meat was delicious and flavoursome, the salad was fresh and tasty, the vino washed it all down perfectly and the flan I had for desert was creamy and tasty. The staff were aware of coeliac disease and knew right away which deserts were suitable for me. I had a great night at Siga La Vaca and will definitely return when I return to the beautiful Buenos Aires!
Jan 6th, 2011Hey! My name is Luciana and I live in BrasÃlia, Brazil. I have celiac desease and I loved your blog (the glutenous thig I miss part – so mee!!!!!!!!!!!!) Even not eating gluten I love travel and eating! I’ll be always reading your blog and I’ve just created my twitter with all my adventures (I’ve just gone to Curaçao at new years eve and they have bread without gluten at Hilton! believe that the firt store of Freddo in Brazil has been opened in my city, but they dont no a thing about gluten?) well, its @queroglutenfree. Boa sorte! (Good Luck!) See you at your next post.