Gluten Free Kimbap (Korean Sushi)


Tasty kimbap!

I fell in love with kimbap when I lived in Seoul where I ate it every day for lunch. Since being gluten free it’s been impossible to find freshly made kimbap which is safe for me to eat. A couple of the traditional Korean ingredients are gluten-containing (imitation crab and processed ham) so I’ve altered the recipe a little to make it safe and gluten-free whilst still being delicious! It’s really hard to write down the process of making this but hopefully my directions are not completely incomprehensible and you’ll be able to make your own tasty kimbap!

Ingredients (makes about 6 kimbap)

  • 6 Seaweed sheets
  • 1.5-2 cups of rice (I use basmati rice because it’s my favourite but any rice will do, the stickier the better!)
  • Can of tuna
  • One large or a few small avocados
  • Carrot (thinly sliced long ways)
  • Cucumber (thinly sliced long ways)
  • Gluten-free soy sauce and/or kimchi

How to make it (Prep)

  • Rinse your rice then cook it!
  • Meanwhile… Mix a can of tuna in a bowl with your avocados until it’s well mixed.
  • Wash and chop your carrot and cucumber into strips.
  • Take off heat, or turn rice cooker off, and leave rice to cool for a few minutes. I also like to rinse again afterwards although this can make it a little less sticky. I don’t add anything to my rice.

How to make it (Rolling time!)

I roll the sushi using my hands. If you find it easier, use a wooden sushi roller. The roller makes it more confusing for me but it’s personal preference.

  • Lay a sheet of seaweed (make sure the shiniest side is face down) on some tin foil.
  • Cover the seaweed with rice. Leave around 1cm at each edge and 2cm at the edge furthest from you. Ensure it’s evenly spread and there are no clumps.
  • Spread tuna/avocado mix to the rice beginning at the edge closest to you. It’s not an exact science but I like to lay toppings around 1cm in to make rolling easier. Don’t leave much space at the left and right edges.
  • Add carrot and cucumber on top of tuna/avocado mix. Again, ensure these reach both sides of the rice.
  • To roll the kimbap, ensure the first roll you make completely covers your toppings then continue to roll until all the rice is covered and you have only the 2cm of free seaweed remaining.
  • Dab a little water on the free seaweed and finish your final roll, pressing down a little to make it stick.
  • To cut the roll, use a sharp knife and do it quickly to avoid it falling apart.
  • Once cut, roll the kimbap up in the foil. This will help it to stay together and it’s great for refrigerating any rolls you don’t immediately devour.
  • Repeat until all your seaweed, rice and toppings are done.
  • Serve with kimchi or gluten-free soy sauce and enjoy!


Simple Recipes 2 Comments

When Should I Introduce Gluten To My Baby?


When should you introduce gluten?

Me: Baby, this is gluten. Gluten, this is baby.

Me (to gluten): I was hesitant to introduce the two of you at all. Hate is a strong word but it does apply here. I really don’t want you to treat my child the way you treat me but nevertheless, here we are, and here you too are meeting for the first time. Please be kind.

If you’re looking for advice on when to introduce gluten to your little one, most research will tell you that the best time to introduce gluten to babies who are at risk of developing the disease is after 6 months and whilst breastfeeding. This isn’t to say that it will prevent the child from developing celiac disease altogether but it may help delay it. I’ve heard this from various sources, including a few pediatric gastroenterologists I’ve spoken with and I’ve been given the same advice regarding other allergens too. This is what I planned to do with our little one…

Continue reading When Should I Introduce Gluten To My Baby?

Lifestyle 9 Comments

Does Your Dentist Use Gluten Free Products?


Does Your Dentist Use Gluten Free Products?

We know that gluten hides in the strangest, and often completely unnecessary, of places and this is why celiacs have to be careful with everything we put in our mouths. Most of us check the toothpaste and mouthwash we use at home are safe for us, but how about the dental products used when we go for dental treatment? This is something I’ve wondered about for a while and today I came across an article about a completely gluten-free dentist in Colorado.

Continue reading Does Your Dentist Use Gluten Free Products?

Lifestyle 1 Comment

Celiac Disease: Is Modern Wheat To Blame?


Wheat invasion!

Thumbs down to the yucky wheat field.

There has been a lot of talk recently about how modern varieties of wheat may be to blame for the rise in celiac disease but not everyone believes this is really the case.

Most of you will have heard of the book, Wheat Belly. It says that modern wheat is different from the wheat our ancestors ate and removing it from our diets will help all of us to feel better.

“Wheat is the most destructive thing you could put on your plate, no questions.” says Wheat Belly author, William Davis. “You take wheat out of the diet and you literally see lives transformed.”

The book has been very popular and lots of people follow this belief but I’ve always been a little cynical. I was excited to find this article from NPR, which challenges this belief and suggests we need to look further at the reasons for the rise in celiac disease.

Continue reading Celiac Disease: Is Modern Wheat To Blame?

Lifestyle Leave a comment

My Second Trimester, Gluten Free


Hanging out with my bump in an Iowa cornfield!

I got my appetite back. Yay! During all the yucky sickness during my first trimester, people kept telling me the 2nd trimester would be much better and they were right. Pre-natal yoga and walking up and down the many hills of San Francisco are keeping me free from aches and pains so far.

Continue reading My Second Trimester, Gluten Free

Gluten Free Pregnancy 1 Comment

Vanuatu Gluten Free


Eratap fish curry

For most travellers, Vanatu simply represents an idyllic tropical getaway destination, with beaches, snorkelling, adventure and friendly local folk in equal measures. But how does it stack up as a gluten free destination? Anne Vize visited recently to check out the options for a gluten free traveller, and was pleasantly surprised by what she found.

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Australia Travel Adventures Leave a comment

Four Years Gluten Free!


Four years ago my life changed. Four years ago a doctor told me I had to stop eating gluten. Four years ago was a hard day but here I am four years later and gluten free life is great!

In these past four years, I’ve felt healthier than ever before! Before my diagnosis I was sick, moody and constantly exhausted as I wasn’t getting any nutrients from the food I was eating. For me, eating gluten free has given me my energy back.

After the Buenos Aires Marathon

Hiking on Angel Island

Continue reading Four Years Gluten Free!

Lifestyle 3 Comments

Gluten Free Nestle, UK


Yummy, bubbly Aero!

UPDATE (Jan, 2015)

Nestle UK’s Gluten Avoidance list was updated this month. It’s a very extensive list featuring most of the Nestle favourites. The products listed in their Gluten Avoidance list do not contain wheat, barley, oats, rye or any added gluten. Some of the products in the list contain small quantities of gluten considered safe for a gluten free diet (in compliance with Codex Alimentarius levels accepted by Coeliac UK). As you will see, such products are highlighted with an asterisk and as always it is up to you whether or not you choose to eat such products. Some celiacs are able to tolerate these levels whilst others are not. Personally, I do not eat such products but some celiacs do and are completely fine.


I wrote a post about Nestle’s gluten-free product offerings in the US a long time ago so I thought it was about time for a UK version, especially since Nestle UK have just updated their gluten free product list!

The product’s Nestle make in the UK and the US are completely different. Actually, I’m not sure if there is any kind of product overlap at all! In the US, Nestle are all about Butterfingers, Goobers and Raisinets whereas there products are almost unheard of in the UK. When you say Nestle to us, we think about Milky Bar, Aero and Quality Street! Mmmmm.

So which Nestle products in the UK are gluten free?

Continue reading Gluten Free Nestle, UK

I want (gluten free) candy! United Kingdom Leave a comment

Gluten Free Bangkok


Marley with a tasty coconut!

Who are you and where are you?
My name is Marley and I am a Canadian living in Bangkok.

Tell me about your relationship with gluten..
Whilst living in the UK for four years teaching, I was diagnosed with celiac disease. It took a while for the doctors to figure that one out, constantly telling me that I had IBS and needed to “eat more whole wheat.” Bastards! When I was seriously ill, I went to a dietician to find out what I was doing wrong. She asked if I had ever been tested for a wheat allergy or celiac disease. After a serious strongly worded letter to my doctor surgery, I was tested and diagnosed with celiac disease.

Continue reading Gluten Free Bangkok

Asia My Gluten Free Town Travel Adventures 2 Comments

Tips For Doing Disney, Gluten Free


Disney World, 1996!

A huge thank you to my lovely friend and fellow celiac, Meagan Manning, for sharing her tips on how to do Disney, gluten free! I found this brilliant old photo of my brother, Mickey and I hanging out in Orlando back in 1996 and couldn’t think of a better image to use.

Daunted by Disney? Anxious about a gluten free Magic Kingdom adventure? Don’t be. The folks at Disney can provide a safe, happy, gluten free holiday. The park and its staff really do take great care to accommodate gluten free diners—adults and children alike—and outline their dietary needs policies in detail. Planning ahead is a must, however, as the park can be difficult to navigate, gluten free items cannot be found everywhere, and meals will cost you a fair amount. Here are a few tips to keep gluten away and the fun plentiful during your trip to Disney.

Continue reading Tips For Doing Disney, Gluten Free

The South 4 Comments