Author Archives: Laura

Gluten Free Toronto

I LOVE Toronto. It’s one of my favourite cities in the world. What a fantastic city with so much going on. I moved to Toronto to live and work for a year when I was 21. What did I eat and drink in this lovely Canadian city? A lot of poutine and beer. Not very celiac
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Canada Travel Adventures 11 Comments

IgA Deficienct Celiac

Have you tested negative in the celiac blood test but still suffering from lots of horrible symptoms which sound like undiagnosed celiac disease? The test may have yielded a false negative for a number of reasons. One obvious reason for a false negative on the celiac blood test is that you haven’t been eating gluten, or haven’t
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Lifestyle 4 Comments

Gluten Free Hot Salad

Is it just me or do veggies taste best when they’re all mixed up with other veggies. Recently I’ve been eating a lot of ‘hot salad’ as I like to call it. I love veggies and I have a bunch more energy when I eat them so I aim to get a whole rainbow of
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Simple Recipes 2 Comments

Gluten Free London

London is one of those cities you just have to see. It’s huge and it’s amazing. There’s always something going on. Lucky for gluten free travellers hoping to explore the UK’s capital city, London has a bunch of gluten free options for celiac visitors. As London is only nine hours by car or bus from
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Europe Travel Adventures United Kingdom 13 Comments

Do You Trust Other Celiacs?

It’s hard to trust other people cooking for you when the consequences are so serious if something goes wrong. Fact! If you’re celiac and you accidentally eat gluten it can be a pretty horrible experience so there’s no way you can have just anyone cooking for you. When I was first diagnosed with celiac I
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Lifestyle 12 Comments

Gluten Free Disaster Kit

Bad things happen. We don’t like to think about it but we need to be prepared, just incase. asks whether we would be prepared in the event of a major disaster and provides information and tips on what you should do in order to be prepared. In terms of food they suggest that everyone should
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Gluten Free Almond Butter

I’ve been a HUGE fan of peanut butter for a long time now but I’ve only recently been introduced to it’s lovely nutty cousin, almond butter and so far I’m very impressed. I’ve been using a lot of almond milk recently so it’s no surprise that I enjoy almond butter too.

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Gluten Free Frito Lay

UPDATE: Jan, 2015 Updated this month, Frito Lay now have a list of U.S. Gluten-Free Products and a separate list of U.S Products Not Containing Gluten Ingredients. Frito Lay say they have “validated through analytical testing that the following products contain less than 20ppm of gluten, the level put forward in the FDA’s Gluten Free
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I want (gluten free) candy! Product Reviews 6 Comments

Are Nuts Safe For Celiacs?

  Are nuts safe for celiacs? Some of you may be reading this and thinking, seriously? Is this gluten free traveller chick really trying to tell me that I can’t eat nuts now? She’s already made me uncertain about my morning coffee and I KNOW that nuts are gluten free. In theory, YES. Nuts themselves
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Lifestyle Product Reviews 45 Comments

Celiacs! Stop Making Excuses For Cheating

“I can’t find anything gluten free”, “Gluten free food tastes awful”, “Being gluten free is too expensive”, “Nothing happens when I just eat a tiny but of gluten.” Have you said any of these things? Have you had heard someone say any of these things? Read on..

Lifestyle 20 Comments